Sunday, November 1, 2015

2014 - A Journey Back To George Orwell's 1984

The things you are going to read may not shock you at all. At least nothing shocks me anymore. I feel the capacity for expressing surprise and shock is diminishing in me with every passing day. But, I feel the strong need to revisit George Orwell's classic 1984 and see my present reality through the eyes of those fabulous characters.

I was particularly fascinated by two conversations, one between Winston and Julia and the other conversation between Winston and O'Brien. I've taken the liberty of revising some of the original conversation in the movie with some new stuff.

Part 1: 

Winston and Julia first talk to each other secretly and agree to meet away from the Omnipresent eyes of the state. The state 'Ingsoc' has enforced strict rules of celibacy for men and women and civil marriages are prohibited to prevent development of emotional attachments to any person. The next generation is brought forth only through an impersonal artificial insemination system. All this is done to keep people focused on the party's interest and to avoid development of strong personal relations which may jeopardize the party's complete claim over the individual.

Under such terrible circumstances, the two rebels Winston and Julia get attracted to each other and fall in love. They slowly start living together in Winston's apartment.

It is 2014 now. the following conversation happens in Winston's apartment in the US in 2014. Winston and Julia are in some ways stuck in 1984 and are in 2014 in other ways.

Winston: Oh Julia, my love. Listen. There is truth and then there is untruth. The freedom to say 2+2 =4 is freedom.

Julia: Yes, why can't we talk such obvious truths that have been known for millenia? I see two completely contradictory worlds simultaneously existing with in an individual.  On the one hand, even school children are allowed to say all these truths.May be it is the way you say it. If you say any truth, however profound it may be, according to social conventions with out strong feelings about its value, people won't mind it. They just think you are talking about one of the billions of truths and untruths people post on Facebook and Twitter every hour. On the other hand, you are punished badly for being truthful. These two values of casually stating truths and at the same time paying heavy penalty for being truthful are confusing to say the least.

Winston:Yes, When you take the liberty of stating certain truths, there are attempts to turn your brain into  mashed potato with ridges? Constant confusing gibberish is played in to your head 24/7. Do you think they have stopped talking now? They are still giggling into my head as I'm talking to you.

Julia: I know that Winston. What do you want to do? Time heals everything, remember. Besides that, not many people care about these truths or freedom as they think they already know everything there is to know. Who are you going to talk to Winston? People don't want to hear you read out of your torture diary.

Winston: No, Julia. You are wrong. People are still interested in truths that have economic value. It gives enormous advantage in the rat race people are running all the time.

Julia: Then why do you think they are trying to white-wash your brain for saying things people have known for thousands of years.

Winston: That is the strange quality of human societies, dear. We don't have the freedom to say anything that causes disturbances to already established multi-billion dollar establishments. If what you say comes into conflict with already powerful, to-be powerful or rich folks, you can be crucified right in front of everyone with funny music playing in the background. People will just laugh at it as if they just watched somebody hit Tom with a hammer in Tom and Jerry. How different is this from offending a Ingsoc member in 1984.

Julia: Yeah, I agree to that Winston. What can we do about it? What about your efforts to mount a resistance?

Winston: There is no resistance Julia. I even forgot about it for the past one hour. People know everything we are talking right now. Resistance efforts are crushed even before it is born. They can see you through my eyes and hear every breath I breathe. You shouldn't be here if you want to live longer. There is no future for us and for me. It is all doomed.

Julia: Don't say that Winston. I know there is no future. I've already decided it. In fact they are watching you through my eyes and hearing every breath of mine.

Winston: Then what? How Julia?

Julia: There is still hope,Winston. They can't get to your heart. Hold on to that which matters most.

Winston: You are wrong. This is 2014, 30 years after 1984. They have already built a  micro-research station in my heart. It is not just my heart, it is actually every organ in my body. People can make whole labs on micro-chips. With a handful you can set up a micro-research station inside people's bodies.

Julia: How pathetic? Anyways I didn't mean your physical heart. There is more to us than our bodies.

Winston: With a set of electronic devices in the body and vocal cues, organizations can direct what people think and feel. When you feel sad for someone, these people with their gadgets can create pleasant mind states. They can distract you endlessly without letting you think what you want to think and feel what you want to feel.

Julia: Why are people silent about it?

Winston: People will care only if it concerns a large population or if it involves them. These organizations use such advanced tech only on targeted individuals and groups. The general populace don't worry about it as most powers since ancient times have used weird, powerful and horrible technology against targeted people. It is the way they frame individuals and convince others these organizations have the right to treat these people in any manner they deem fit. It is just frightening to think how powerless an individual is against the big machinery of state.

Julia: Yes, a state is a powerful tool that seldom hurts the people who wield it. Hence the aggressive competition for power. It is mightier than millions and millions of individuals taken altogether at a time. Most people are corrupted by that intoxicating power over millions and millions of individuals. What power does an individual or a small group has?

Winston: I just don't know how things will turn out.

Julia: I've no idea either.

And they slip in to a dull sleep after a few minutes of silence out of helplessness and a persistent feeling of weariness.

Part 2: 

Winston works at the Ministry of Truth rewriting history according to the Party's mandate. He is a rebel as we know it. He has secret rebellious thoughts which he puts it in his diary. He is deceived by an Inner party member O'Brien who acts like a rebel and leads Winston to reveal his rebellious thoughts to him. The party forces capture Winston and Julia and are put on a process to vaporize their persona and unperson them. The process involves physical and mental torture to break their love and belief in everything. All that remains after this process is a bag of bones and flesh that can be programmed according to the Party's wishes.

O'Brien and Winston have this conversation in a torture table shuttling between 1984 and 2014.

O'Brien:  What is 2+2?

Winston: 4.

O'Brien: What if the party says 2+2 is 5, What is 2+2 then?

Winston: 4

O'Brien : Nope. Three thousand volts please After a few moments of silence. "How does one person exert power over another? Power is inflicting pain and humiliation on a person for there to be no person at all. Then you build them back by putting them into shapes of your own choosing. That is power Winston."

Winston: Nope.

O'Brien:  "Why is past prohibited?  When you cut a man from his past, you cut him off from his family, children and society. For him the present and future is just the party. There is no loyalty besides party loyalty. There is no love for anything except the one he holds for the big brother"
Imagine a boot stomping on a human face. That exactly is the future of humans. "One who controls the past controls the future. One who controls the present controls the past". That is what it is.
An individual is just an insignificant cell in the whole organism. Not important at all. Why bother about the memory and experience of an individual if an individual is not valuable. It is only useful as much as it is to the party.

Winston: This is sheer evil. This hatred against humanity. Against what makes people, people. "You are just spreading hatred. The world needs love. I feel something will defeat you. Life will defeat you. "

O'Brien: "We control life at all levels. There is no life beyond our control."

Winston: "No, it will defeat you."

O'Brien: What will?

Winston: "Something like a spirit that cannot be overcome will defeat you. The Spirit of Man."

O'Brien: What spirit are you talking about Winston? Do you think you are a man?

Winston: The Spirit of Man is the Spirit of the Universe. For some reason or another it is asleep. When that great spirit wakes up to its full splendor, it will defeat and overpower you. This arrogance of yours will lead you to your fall.

O'Brien: Huh, It is a shame you call yourself a man after blabbering some irrational nonsense. Man is the pinnacle of reason. There is no reason whatsoever to believe in any great spirit powerful than the state. What are you, a prophet of doom for Ingsoc? You brain just got fried and your crazy brain is wishing for freedom when it is dying. All this spirit nonsense is just your brain conjuring up a fantasy to make your miserable existence less painful.

Winston: I don't know. I can feel it in my bones. The Spirit of Man.

O'Brien: Yes, sure. Now take this. (Another three thousand five hundred volts to silence Winston).

The conversation ends for the day.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

From Freud's Paradise To The 'Real' Paradise

Analyst: What is your ulterior motive to post this status message?

Me: I think I just want to call them neurotic and psychotic in an online page, with the hope they will feel a sense of shame and stop doing their sick thing. 

Analyst: Do you get that they are very powerful and much more effective at using humiliation tactics. And you are not an expert. What if they feel pride at being called psychotic? You are writing all this in English. By their definition, you will be calling them barbarian hordes no matter what they do. You are only inviting more trouble for yourself by calling them all these for which they feel nothing. 

Me: Yeah. I get that. I know they are humiliation experts. But still this is all I can do today. I just don't want anyone to know I'm giving up the fight, even though every one knows I'm losing on a daily basis. It is just that there is overwhelming attention on the one side. There are signs that even luminaries of several fields are paying attention. There are these goons who are doing this whole humiliation and other attacks on the other side simultaneously. And then there are head masters of the world watching me and want to discipline me. 

I just don't want to fall into the habit of sleeping in a school uniform with full make up on just because the head masters are watching me. It is just a daily act of rebellion to keep my sanity. Yeah they can hire world experts and all that. But you don't have to be a specialist to know somebody is sick and what sickness that is. We just need to know what is sick. I'm not writing prescriptions or even giving professional counselling to people to feel like a quack. I leave it to certified professionals. So it is ok I guess. 

Analyst: Ok. You can instead focus your time and energy on realizing your inner powers. You are creating for yourself a false sense of putting up a fight, when in reality all this is just some entertaining rant at the max. 

Me: Yeah. Hmmm.. True. I guess I'm becoming neurotic just like them. Oh no...But it relieves every day tension to some extent that I can focus on other things. May be all this is just rationalizing. May be I can be much more stronger and focused. 

Analyst: Why are you giving yoga reference? Are you trying to convert people to another religion?

Me: Nope. I don't convert people. People can hardly call me religious in the widely accepted sense of the word. Anyways, yoga is not a religion. It is just a collection of philosophical ideas and psycho-physical practices to realize the truth expounded in those philosophies. The point of giving this particular reference is to share that there are/were world renowned psychologists who feel/felt that there are higher mental planes people can reach. 

Ok. Go ahead..


During these 30 years, I've only moved from Freud's paradise (a region with neurotic and psychotic tendencies to power) to Adler's paradise ( a little bit cleaner, but still after the same power grip). I even have this noble goal of exploring levels above Jungian 4th level of the 7 levels. Long way to go... 


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Letter To Lincoln, Gandhi & King - The Only Holy Trinity of Democracies

Dear Lincoln & Gandhi,

When I woke up after a dreary sleep on a beautiful morning, the world hit me again. Yes, it hits me hard enough that I can spend the day longing for the dead remains of the spirit of freedom and dignity. By the time the sun sets, my spirit is dead for another long night. It is in one of those dead moments, I'm writing this letter to you three.

Yes, many have built secret and public temples for you three. But the powerful wants to make sure your spirits are locked up in those temples. They are afraid that your spirits when let loose may challenge the status quo and end up doing some real good. It is only a matter of years before people put a halo around your pictures and make you gods. The Gods of democracy who can never be surpassed in their visionary powers and embodiment of the spirit of democracy. It is only a matter of time anyone resembling you will be shot or beaten up for the offense of trying to imitate the only gods of democracy.

Yes, you won us the freedom to voice our opinions and to exercise our god given rights. But all that remains is a loud nonsensical clamor that drowns one in to an abyss of hopelessness. Can we blame the people when that is the only right they have? To make loud noises in the blame game that goes on everyday but remain absolutely powerless to do anything about it. It has become a part of our culture to play this blame game with every government and every politician. There are rumors that even this holy democratic right is being taken away from them.

People are feeling empty without the ability to make pointless noise. They are only going through the motions of a highly effective democracy, but the spirit is dead. These numerous zombies (some with enormous artificial intelligence) are being coerced and manipulated into believing obnoxious crimes and overt violations of rights as justified acts of reason. Such is the clever genius of deception these democracies have produced.

Nobody has the power in a democracy in front of everyone. But right in front of  the ever scrutinizing eyes of the public, there is a magical screen behind which a thousand people run the big system of enormous complexity. The magical veils of media are a significant power in themselves worthy of trillions of dollars of investment.

I'm writing all this at politically tumultuous times that many people wish I join you guys there where ever you are. That is the magnificent beauty of your living legacy. Even though high school kids know much more and talk politically sensitive things than I'm writing here, once you are marked as a troublesome person, you can't utter 'AAAHHH' before the secret police shuts you down.

I'm writing all this with the knowledge that you might have heard all these laments a billion times over your dead years. You are probably bored in death listening to all such nonsense. But who else do you lament to about democracy, but to the gods of democracy. I hope that one day your true spirit of democracy will once again shine forth on earth. Hope the earth holds on until then. Wishes to you and don't forget the new earmuffs for the spirits. Much louder laments are on the way.

Monday, July 6, 2015

A Mind Gone Wrong

There are ant parasites that hijack the ant's brain and make the ant commit suicide. Are people turning in to parasites of the world driving it towards suicide? Now, what does it mean?

What if your mind is connected to everything in the universe and every wish of yours eventually comes true? A connected mind create its own reality in a powerful way.

Are these thoughts just something right out of cyber-punk novels and hold no basis in reality?

Desire drives people's actions says Freud. This is talking about desire at just one level. Philosophers from the East tell us that desire birthed the universe.They believe that consciousness/mind precedes all matter and it is desire that birthed this creation and people's intentions and desires determine their ultimate destiny over long eons. This desire is not an equivalent of human desire. It is not like desiring 'I want an orange' and creating an orange. It is more like 'Eros' in greek philosophy, an evolutionary force in the universe. In humans this 'eros' is experienced in its various expressions of desire, some seemingly antithetical to progressive evolution.

Is there any truth to this? We live in a time with prevalent tendencies towards self-destruction. Several scientists have warned about this tendency of our modern technological culture. What if this self-destructive tendency is communicated to a deeper level of primordial substrate and becomes true over time?

Who will be held responsible for such an eventuality? Are we seeding our own eventual fate at a deeper level.

A world gone wrong may just be a mind gone wrong....

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Future Lives: Short Fiction

It is someday in the future from now. I don't remember the date. I think I'm lost in love. I woke up to the sounds of heart beat, my own heart beat relaxed and alive.Somehow it felt it was no longer just mine...I couldn't fathom the connection...Is it from the depths of another soul? I don't quite get it...
7 years later:

So I started searching for the connections in this whole wide world...And found it hidden in some underground corporation's secret locker.They literally stole my heart. Secret waves link my heart to their console and it beats according to their whims.What is this strange connection to the underworld? It took several decades to realize my other organs were also on sale, a discount closed sale for the corrupt and the elite.Whether I like it or not, my whole being is in a love/hate relationship with these organ thieves, who fondly call themselves  'the heart thieves'.

It is hard and I need to accept this strangeness. There is nowhere to go and nothing else to do. Some poets say, all true love ends in death/dissolution. I hope I experience the bliss of dissolution in this life and dissolve the hatred along with that. It sounds tragic to hope for dissolution. I don't glorify suicide and dissolution is not suicide It is the end of a courageous fight that makes your stolen heart swell with pointless pride.

What appears as tragic to other's eyes appears as victory to some.The victory of a soul that didn't give up its honesty, courage and love, come what may, even to the destruction of this fragile body.There in lies the joy and exuberance of a tragic life, my friend, a triumphant soulful life.The point is not pride or victory. It is the longing and the journey itself that matters...the longing for freedom,fairness and goodness...Some call it the experience of God and some call it the experience of  a good life. But all have this longing at its core.

Who am I? A future citizen of this earth....

Monday, June 1, 2015

Social Reality For Dummies

1) There are two human civilizations that exist in parallel in all countries on earth... One is a very advanced civilization with great power and resources...The other one is an advancing civilization, a major fraction of non-elite civilian population fall under this category....The stuff the advancing civilization is thinking as advanced was there in the advanced civilization several decades back...

2) When something new happens, the first ones to know are Military/Intelligence,Criminal empire/Power structures (Political & Corporate) b'coz they are the ones creating and making it happen. The second ones to know are the other elite ones in societies likes artists,story writers, media leaders as they are always on the watch out for new things and are mostly well connected with the first group...After that other elites in the society like chancellors, Professors and other huge brains get to know...Then the general public gets to know through news media..It is mostly a distorted story, but has germs of truth in it...

The last ones to know are a terrible strain of humanity called graduate students...They are the lowly slaves who keep themselves busy searching the world for free food and truths that were found long time back...The funny thing is they bought into the lie that PhDs are changing the world....Since they are of above average intelligence, they had to be told that lie to make them work for the real bosses...What they meant was they are slowly improving the advancing civilization step by step...Go tiger, change the world!!!!..The advanced civilization at times get compassionate and picks some bright sparks in to their own and initiate them in to the wide world...With a hint of sadness I've spent several years in the last category with several more to go...When you accept this social truth \
whole -heartedly, you can live with some peace in your heart on earth.....

3) The folks in the advancing group can slowly fight for rights and get some autonomy in governing themselves by begging to the advanced folks...But never question or challenge what the advanced folks can or cannot do... They say their wrath is worse than the wrath of gods... People say God has one judgement day when you die... But these folks can make every single one of your day her into a judgement day... That comes to thousands of judgement days right here on earth...Better to avoid it unless you are so much into it you know.... 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

An Epiphany

I believe, based on brief moments of direct experience, that in the deep stillness of mind, a new insight, a new perspective and a new love for the world is born... It is this moment of freedom I was and am still seeking.... It is available to me right here and now under grossly imperfect circumstances...It is the reality of my time that has led to this frustrating moment...

Everything is in a grid lock...People, societies, socio-political systems, inter-personal relationships and the different value systems - all these entities and processes with different degrees of influence on the whole are all in a grid-lock. The reason being their different ambitions, values and a strong tendency to force the other to move in their own direction... This has stalled several things and has made movement difficult...But the moving force of desire and grand ambition is still there waiting grudgingly to erupt in to action and flow in each of these entities.....

Space, my friend, allows movement with out blocking the flow of others eros...Rights as an ideal and a social property guarantees this... But such a luxurious property of great value like Rights is almost non-existent for many in a world of desperation, greed and inequality of wealth and power...Grand ambition and a strong sense of group identity have placed various groups fighting with each other...Strong sense of social identity means clinging on to conception of who we are, one's own cherished ideals,perspectives, ways of living with great force that can at times,when it attains great strength in numbers, get the whole world in a grid lock. This strains the movement of people's ambitions and desires which are expressions of eros itself...

People have faced such times of great ferment at several points in history...I can only hope no one develops a hatred for any specific group which when combined with ambition and a strong sense of social identity led to the gross disasters of world wide conflicts of the past...Enmeshed in this complicated social reality is my great desire and ambition for transcendence and freedom...It is partly the answer to my problem and partly the reason for my predicament....Some kind of conflict awaiting resolution....

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Nightmare To Wake Up From !!!!!

Men and women after power are susceptible to a certain kind of madness. It is not the sad kind of madness that makes people sit in a corner and imagine things to themselves. It is a violent and aggressive kind of madness that makes them violate every single principle in the world. If you let them they will control every beat of your heart, watch every thought and control it. The world is stepping into a automated system of control. A system of such technological grandeur, a mere thought can initiate a system that can put you to sleep and create fear by manipulating your physiology. Such mad men and women have always been the nightmare of this world.

I woke up with such dark gloomy thoughts. I  woke up to a deeper consoling reality that such a nightmare will be over. It was a voice. Yes, it was a calm, confident voice that should have seen it all. It said when such a nightmare falls on this earth, it will strike with such power that creates a shudder in every living heart. A power of such magnitude and intensity that it can only be out of a deeper source. It is a power that portends hope. When I heard these words, I slept again awaiting a day when I'll wake up to a dream, a pleasant dream.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Facebook Meditations - Feb/March 2015

My FB thoughts on society, politics and culture. No point cutting short on your only power in a democracy. I've tried to maintain a respectful tone despite popular belief and propaganda. If it feels like pelting stones on your cemented ideas of social reality, it is not my fault. In the democracies I live, people pelt stones on other people and the places they build. I'm being a good guy here writing words that may evoke feelings of stone pelting in your mind for your mind. Hope you get a few points in what I'm trying to say. 

1)  The veil of democracy is as powerful as the veil of maya to even think that arguments are going to help. The only thing that works with many people is power,not just the power to do things, also the power to destroy obstacles. Democracies exist only for name sake just like societies. Beyond a point safety and security, it all breaks down to individuals and small groups. The system of governance seems to be immaterial if you have good, fair, empowering and rewarding leadership. Democracy is better in the only sense that when leadership is oppressive, exploitative, deceptive, unjust and violent, it gives people a little opportunity to change that without many going through the guillotine. It has its negative consequences when all these can be done under the cloak of goodness. People value and clamor for democracy b'coz they found out most of leadership is bad in moral terms if such a thing called morality exists. It exists for most people when immorality translates to enormous pain. 

1-a) In a monarchy, the chance for people feeling empowered is much higher as it takes only one good leader to rise to the top. But in a democracy, the probability is much lower as many good leaders need to rise simultaneously. It is a very rare event as democracies are split into multiple parties. The more parties there are, the lower the chances people will feel empowered because of leadership. So people living in democracies solely depend on something called rights to protect themselves from royal abuse and exploitation of their democratic leaders so that they can do the small things. When rights are violated, they pretty much live the lives of slaves. All talk of civilization and justice is nonsensical blabber for them.  


2) When people from different worlds meet odd creatures, they seem to have certain characteristic response. If the odd creatures are from the third world, the fellow third world creatures get suspicious. "Hey! you too are from the same third world I'm from, how come you know this,huh? .. Don't act like as if you are born and brought up in London."...The first world creatures go, "i don't know if these third worlds have some secret underground facilities where they grow such strange creatures.They are not planning to take over the world from their little cabins, are they?"...Well, the odd creatures may be from a place that is stuck between second and third worlds, but they do have access to remote viewing first world activities and sometimes experience those activities first hand over decades....

Disclaimer: I believe all countries are a mix of first,second and third worlds in different fractions. 

3) Why do I see a lot of Indian articles talking about racism? Do you feel oppressed by white skinned people or what? How about the rich brown b******* who probably earned their wealth through criminal means and are perpetuating slavery?....Brown people don't have servants and slaves right and these guys treat their servants and slaves like Maha Rajah right......Corrupt slave drivers are doing a drama elsewhere about racism...Brown, white or black, sick b's do exist....

4) Begging seems to be the predominant form of human relationship...Children beg to their parents for food and money, they beg their way to college and beg their parents for more fancy stuff if they have money. Then they beg their employers for money...Business folks beg their customers 'buy this, buy this' and act like lords to other lesser beggars...Lovers beg to each other for emotional security and bliss.... People beg to each other for respect....Politicians beg for votes and once they get power , they make people beg to them for almost everything....People as a whole beg to this earth for everything and now they control the begging process, so they think they are the lords.....Beggars to varying degrees to delusion...The more power you have the more deceptive the begging is...Beggars in the end....

5) My course on research ethics course points to an alternate world right here on earth,with in closed walls, where people fight over changing an 'a' to 'e' in some graph, while rest of the world that lives, grows and spawns in the world of lies argues that there was never an 'a' in the first place since the beginning of time and not sure whether 'e' exists at all. Such is the nature of life on earth.

6) What is a community for? I recently met a physician who was confident that with a strong community of supporters and media on their side, they can escape from the justice apparatus (cranky, 10th century machine comes to mind) and so causally violate every principle of justice. Can only imagine how confident the political leaders are in such a system.

7) Classical Indian, Greek, Chinese and European thoughts have all recognized the relationship between the moral universe and the flourishing of the earth. Given that most leaders people remember over ages have in some form been healers of factions, do we need a program like Planetary Medicine for leaders in the future. Planetary Medicine? 

8) Even though I live in the US of A, it feels like I'm carrying the dead weight of India on my shoulders where ever I go. It is as if somebody sold 10-50 m3 of every bit of space surrounding me to some Indians without my permission and consent (like they sell Taj Mahal or something) ...Oops..You grow correspondingly depending to the nature of the enemies you fight...Some clever people have picked the most lame ones so that even if I overcome I remain stupid...Wicked ploy revealed..the freedom from the fight and the only thing that comes out if any fight (growing strong) were taken away... 

9) I'm tending towards the view that courts of justice have turned into museums/ceremonial architectural marvels with big-cloaked men doing the religious ritual of sacrificing scapegoats for big money to appease the Lords with deep pockets. Any end in sight to the domination of advanced techno-monkeys?

10) Even though I'm not at all interested in marriage or romantic relations now I need to make this statement as I'm terribly upset with certain political elements playing match makers based on caste and their own preferences...Is there some kind of eugenics involved in caste specific marriage? Caste used to be related to work..Same caste marriage was favored for similar work habits and similar family profile (income, work ethics,etc)....But now all work is open to most people and there is not much difference in terms of some habits...The problem with inter-caste marriage may come between people if they have not transcended their caste specific attitudes towards other people and are so attached to their specific customs that they will force others...But otherwise forcing people, if they want to marry into other castes, into same caste marriage has some kind of superiority argument to it...These people believe it has to do with unique genetics based on birth...So they are essentially arguing for eugenics which is generally considered immoral.....Hope you all question the assumptions you have about this and make a decision for yourself... I don't think we need municipality leaders supervising caste based marriage.....India use to be shy about bringing out such things in its land to the outside world... National leaders use to be diplomatic and restrict these guys to their regions...Now they are becoming more open in this regard thanks to all the racism around the world...World has only 10-20 races to fight with...India again beat the world in this and has 100s of them... 

11) I have reasons to think justice/rights don't exist for the majority of people.When I say that, people tend to argue otherwise saying that judges.lawyers and huge courts are working hard to provide justice... Yeah, but that is like arguing for the existence of God by showing all the huge places of worship, high priests, all the rituals and saying these people are working hard to show you God...Nobody buys that either....May be justice exists for the powerful rich and the lucky, but that exclusiveness makes you question if it is actually justice they have or some kind of privilege...May be that is why people say you need to work hard to see god or get justice, b'coz it is so rare and only a few get to see such great stuff...People have almost accepted that such things exist mostly through arguments,inference and rare sightings of their existence...But to experience justice,rights or god seems to be a very rare thing indeed....

12) Do you guys like the $10 god project? There are some really powerful, genius groups who can give you god potential by activating a switch somewhere in a secret place in the body...The groups have the remote switch and out of generosity are doing this god project for a very cheap price....What more can people ask for? Please contact them and become a god in 2 hours....Best Wishes...The only rule is you need to find the group yourself....

13) Justice for the powerful goes scapegoat by scapegoat I guess....Existence surrounded by a fort of scape goats seemingly has its practical value....Now countries with excellent scapegoat breeding and training programs are getting recognition all around the world....

14) Once upon a time, people believed that the scientific process begins with observation followed by hypothesizing and testing of hypothesis. From these tests, people inferred conclusions about the hypothesis. Now the scientific process starts with getting funding from an institution/advisor with PhD and several years of research experience. If you don't have a PhD and post-doc experience, you are incapable of observing, thinking and drawing inferences about the world you see....Such is the story of evolution of the scientific process....

15) Are the scientists ready to accept defeat in their contest for the title as the vanguards of truth? Did you feel anger towards me reading that message or did you laugh it out or both? How does it feel to experience joy and rage at th e same moment? This is just the spark of what I'm feeling every minute of my life over the past several years....I'm glad I'm still writing messages...

16) Yep, if scientists, scholars, philosophers and artists don't stand up for some truth, we have no reason to believe any of this is even valid in the supposed best form of governance...among all factions these people like to concern themselves with truth....if they don't I can close shop and work in a restaurant with the ever present smell of good food....

17) It is strange how scientists easily come under political influence just like any body else....How there is a pressure on them to silence the odd fellows ?...Fields like neuroscience and psychology have made great strides in understanding the brain and mind by looking at the odd fellows....Sometimes it is a disability and at other times it is something positive....I'll stop this line of argument only when scientists publicly accept that they are not propounding truths about the universe from their pure citadel and are as much under duress like their religious colleagues.....

18) Seems like self-confidence operates at the individual, community, national and global levels....Sometimes the lack of it or excess of it leads to excessive pride and a constant need for validation from others that they are great...Wonder why so many individuals, communities (in India- castes) and nations are caught in this mental trap....

19)  Heard some political parties are sponsoring students for higher education, the criteria seems to be that they need to be good enough and obey the mandates of their leaders blindly...and everything else will be taken care of like God father style.......Now is all happening in foreign universities I believe...politics starts early in school for these unfortunate souls who seem to be brain washed into believing every word their party leaders say....Way to go....

20)  Carrying this cybernetic crown of thorns for years takes its toll... You just want to communicate something to real people at least knowing that some real person will read what you have to say before you drop asleep another day..I use to get headaches often (possibly due to other reasons too), when I was in India, seeing the stuff happening there and feeling helpless about it. Thought I'll escape to paradise to grow and strengthen myself to the remote possibility of facing similar situations later in life....Thought America was all about personal freedom, rights and space to be yourself. But things are not that easy anywhere i guess....

Thursday, March 19, 2015

India - An Attitude

Tyger Tyger, burning bright, 
In the forests of the night; 
What immortal hand or eye, 
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies. 
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?

                                                                         -  William Blake
                                                           ( A section of Blake's Poem Tiger Tiger)

India's National Animal Symbolizing Grace,Strength, Agility & Power.

India being one of the old guys among human civilizations may have a lot to offer to the world if they do it the right way. They had a great compendium of knowledge, cultural truths, aspirations, philosophy and a wide variety of cultural productions over several millenia. They have gone through several revolutions, amalgamations, and never before seen synthetic phases in human culture. They have survived all these changes and still have maintained a graceful attitude towards the larger change happening around. 

One aspect of Indian culture that has great personal meaning and relevance to me is that they had the moral strength to preserve the original philosophical and scientific literature without many gross alterations to the supposed truth. Given the political nature of people, that is a great achievement which is possible only in a culture that valued truth, courage and honesty. 

What made such great things possible was a psychological attitude of critical reverence towards the world and a flexible, accommodating attitude tolerant of great changes. It was this great capacity to staying true to the principles while allowing great evolution of ideas and culture that made that place great. This reflected their great intelligence and an open heart-mind attitude to most of what life has to offer. Tiger was selected as the national animal as it embodies certain virtues like strength, agility, power, grace and intelligence. Just like the dwindling population of tigers, there are signs these virtues are dwindling too.

India's secularism might be considered of a completely different variety. It comes from a recognition of deeper truths and shared common ground at the deeper level. While some secular frameworks avoid open conversation about religion to avoid confronting the differences, India over ages developed a peculiar form of secularism that was borne out of open discussion of shared truths at a deeper level. There are times when the majority of people do not believe religious truths at all, in those times such deeper forms of secularism loses its relevance. It regains its relevance only when people start paying attention to the importance of truths held by world's religions. 

 While a great section of the population have held onto these values, several centuries of slavery of their "own" making, their own (ancestral though) oppressive kings and queens  and other empires from the far reaches of the world seem to have taken a toll on their confidence. I've seen some men and women completely lose their idea of self (as if they are not persons anymore), after a couple of years of bad treatment by their superiors, let alone maintain confidence in that self. We can only imagine what would have happened to a nation that was held in slavery for centuries. Slavery might have become a deeply ingrained habit of the mind and there are certain predominant emotional patterns among people that point to that. 

A nation is a real entity only in a conventional sense. There are individuals and groups who are better off than others and had the great opportunity to break away from mental slavery. 
That forces of the mind that broke away from all those rigid shackles of slavery still lives on and is driving them towards greater goals and greater aspirations. After independence, India had the great opportunity to come out of all forms of slavery of the mind. While it succeeded in many fronts, it has failed miserably in several others. 

As part of the global shift in cultural value systems, India too followed the major cultural shift with little resistance. This has led to deep cultural shifts that has spawned its own unique problems of corruption, thriving globally connected multi-specialty criminal empires that are oppressive, rigidity of values and a growing trend of narrow mindedness and fragmentation. Sadly, this trend is also reflected in the larger global context and is not unique to India. However, when such a grave global situation combines with its predominant slavery attitude is leading that place towards other social ills. 

People of the world are facing great challenges with only some nations even attempting to tackle those issues. It is common knowledge that poverty, over-population, famine, global climate and environmental issues, growing crime and fragmentation among people are some of the most important social issues. It is surprising to see the lack of humility to see these problems eye to eye and try to tackle it even in small domains. A certain suicidal attitude has taken over and people seem to be busy blindly gratifying some intangible impulse in their own minds oblivious to all these issues. There is a persistent feeling of helplessness even when people hope for personal growth and isolate themselves into well defined smaller groups suspicious of anything outside of that. 

A new state of health which is actually a sick, decaying state of affairs has become the norm. A majority of people have acclimatized to such a sick state of affairs as the healthiest state possible in their life times. Once their basic physical needs are met, people are predominantly driven by psychological factors. These factors are a huge mess with people not even showing any interest to become aware of the factors. Egotism, excessive pride and coercive domination seem to be the predominant emotional undercurrents of the psyche now. This creates an environment where people naturally become defensive and are not willing to consider any other alternative way of life with equal respect. 

The collective psyche seems to go around in cycles, with the undercurrents gaining dominance and subsiding over certain periods of time. The winds of change that was all there and went undercurrent started gaining force several decades back. This wind seems to be gaining force and growing in strength guided by some deeper forces in the world. Such a deep change has an effect on the psyche of people as much as people allow it to have. It is a grand opportunity to face the undercurrent and reintegrate into our psyche for a richer, healthier and more inclusive living. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fractals And The Mandala Of The Body: A Note

    "You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop'. 

                                                                                                          - Rumi

Another note to bring up important questions and give a possible concept map to explain it. 

In some schools of Indian philosophy, the ideas of  Brahmandam (Macro-cosmos) and ShudraBrahmandam (Micro-cosmos) are essential to an understanding of the universe. It parallels the Kabbhalistic cosmological ideas of a multi-leveled reality with each level a complete world on its own. One way to visualize it is by using mathematical representations of self-similar structures called fractals.

Fractals (

Self similar objects do not necessarily have similar gross structures, but rather have a similar structure of organization. One property of self-similar structures is that it needs to be scale-free at all levels. 

                                 Fractals in The Matrix Revolutions Movie

Any Evidence For Self-Similar Organization In The Universe? 

Biological networks ranging from macro-molecular networks to brain connectome networks have been shown to have scale-free property. Networks at a grand social level seem to have the same scale-free property. It is very difficult to study the subtle structure of the macro-cosmos given its scale. 

Is the ground of being the same across all structures and across all levels in the universe?

If that is so, what does it mean to become aware and be the ground of being as some spiritual traditions claim to achieve?

A Note For The Future:

Speculations On Its relation to subtle body anatomy and physiology?

In some spiritual traditions, people are believed to have some subtle entities equivalent to the sun and the moon in their head region. 

What is its relation to the evolution of our body in our solar system?

Alex Grey Painting

Will bodies that evolve in a different solar system with two moons have two subtle moon elements in the body? 

These are some things to ponder about.....Feel free to expand on these notions....

Monday, February 16, 2015

My Ten Clarifications: A Letter To All In A Semi-Religious Tone


I would like to make some clarifications regarding my attitude towards other religions and religion at large. It is important to make a clear statement as I carry some subtle truths that were historically part of the canon of religious and spiritual truths. I think it may be too early to make any statement on this, but many already feel why I've not made any statement on this one yet. Just like other truths, religious truths too can be understood in many ways. So I tend to use several scientific terms to explain some phenomena that is part of what you could call aspects of the god potential (as described in world's religious texts or super hero potential in recent fiction).

Since transcending all these narrow religious definitions is part of the process of realizing that fundamental ground of being, I've no need to identify myself exclusively to any religion. I would like to stand as the common ground of being, if at all possible, that is behind all religious truths as I sincerely hope this will let people have more open conversations across religious boundaries. Having an open conversation doesn't immediately create a need for conversion and the nature of traditions people follow is better left to themselves. I think coercion or forced conversion to another religion is ethically wrong.

I grew up in the late 20th and early 21st century enjoying the good things of the time and also facing the problems of our time. It would be extremely ridiculous if I'd the same social attitude and used the same tone to convey some ideas . I was not a conventionally religious person during most of my life. Even now most people wouldn't call me traditionally religious. To those who think my language do not resemble any saint's, my language and the way I express is influenced by the time and place I live and have lived. However,beneath the manner of expression, there may be huge similarities in the content.

Forgive my sarcasm and humor in even a serious dialogue that people value so much (may be some pun intended about the valuing part). Given my current situation as a not so free person in society and going through some societal pressure regarding all this almost everyday, it would be mocking all the god potential people have known in all the great religions of the world. So I restrict my serious talk to discussing certain truths and ideas. And the medium of communication is also not the most straight forward one, I would prefer the one that has a direct communication to an individual. Complete awakening and realizing god potential is also not a completed project for me. So even though I've signs all over, I've not realized the full potential. I'm writing this as there is a need for a clear statement even now owing to all the signs and other confusion regarding all this.

As a result of that I do not have good enough knowledge of all the religions. And I also don't talk in Aramaic or Arabic/Urdu or Sanskrit and confuse people who already seem to be perpetually confused. If I gain good enough to complete knowledge of something and want to communicate if people want, I'll use a language that many people can understand. If you have a lot of knowledge in one religion, I need to be talking to you about something else so that you see the commonalities and see the missing elements. There is no point in repeating something you already know a lot about. In this regard, the emphasis is not on me, it is on what you can learn from my experience and knowledge. So leave the petty brawls and enjoy whatever community or label you like and try to get a good understanding/experience of these truths. This is really one domain where there is no competition except may be on the business side which is there even for liquid soap.

The Ten Clarifications: 

1) I'm not against people following any religion. Religion is a human activity centered around some god figures and their teachings. Do not confuse the people following any religion with their administrators and do not confuse the administrators with the sages. Sometimes it is useful to make distinction between the sages and the gods and at other times not so helpful.

2) It is impossible for anyone to displace the gods or great heroes who lived hundreds and thousands of years back. So by definition nobody can kill the people who are already dead. When people talk about god, they usually mean the formless being of god who cannot be slain at any point of time. So stop panicking that your Jesus, Rama, Buddha or Allah will be displaced into oblivion just because another guy shows similar signs. I've a lot of respect for all their teachings and people who know deep stuff won't be able to separate the common spirit of these gods from any sage for that matter. Yes, I don't have that much respect for the criminal hypocrites who do a lot of nonsense in the name of religion.

3) This is something most people have felt historically and have created huge problems for people and for the great people themselves. Jews were afraid that new guy will replace the old gods and crucified him. But he came back and taught what he had to and left. All these religions have survived new world changing events for thousands of years and have actually thrived until now. They survived and grew not by killing all the competitors, but mostly because of people who followed it diligently allowing for it to evolve with changing times.

3) Don't confuse,, or with the actual teachings of the gods. These are partially political, business, and religious organizations that have their own agendas. Even one of these is a heady thing to manage. It is this triple bang bang bang nature of these organizations that make them super powerful than most of the mere mortals in this world.

4) I don't intend to start any new religion.  I believe we have enough number of religions for people to fight among each other.People also don't have to panic that by some cosmic miracle they will have to integrate with people of other religions.It is not possible to integrate people, at best they can only live together in a family/community with some understanding. None of the gods started any religion for that matter.They either taught something or led the people of the world..

5) It is a great opportunity to understand the truths behind your own religious ideas if you have one and subtle truths if you don't have one. If your particular tradition emphasized some truths and left out other some other truths, it is an opportunity to add these truths to your traditional understanding. Nobody is going to force anyone to change the books written thousands of years back. To give a specific example, if people in India had only recorded Rama's story as God's story, they wouldn't have known the Shiva-Shakti aspect of reality. Different traditions and religions have partial truths not because their gods had partial awakening, but because each emphasized some aspect of a truth and might have lost or neglected others. This could be a valuable insight to monotheistic religions that worship only one form of god. All religions can be considered monotheistic when we talk about god at the ultimate level. But the difference in our distinction of monotheism and polytheism has to do with specific forms of the god.

6) I'm surprised at the lack of humility and an attitude of curiosity among people who actually want to experience, understand and realize the nature of this very complex magical phenomena and being. Whenever a phenomena is so complex to explain, we have this tendency to put a label like magic , god or some scientific label to tag it with. People still don't understand the human kidney completely. There is so much more to learn at deeper levels. We have not come close enough to define all the possibilities inherent to this phenomena. It is just deceivingly easily accessible but very rare to actually to get access to.

7) Many people confuse external, observed rituals as being the only aspect of religion. May be Jesus didn't have to chant all the Sanskrit mantras to realize his god potential. But the times have changed people are covered with loud lies all the time. Silence doesn't seem to work when other people can talk from inside your body with electronic bugs, worms and implants. I believe under such sick conditions and times of organ hacking, we all need to shout all the mantras of the world at the top our lungs all the time to remain sane let alone realize subtle truths.

8) I once thought religion is easy subject. Actually it is one of the hardest if we do a serious study. It deals with complex phenomena that has enchanted some of the most serious thinkers of the past and present.Einstein's goal was to understand the mind of God, by which he meant the principles governing the universe. Historically, our understanding of it has been simple and straight forward in some sense and extremely complicated in other ways. All these diversity in understanding the same phenomena points to the fact that all this can be understood at several levels of complexity. Sometimes we don't even need to understand it, but only experience it.

9) It is one of the good news for all of humanity that we don't have to be a genius to achieve awakening to the fundamental ground of being or experience god. Imagine if only Einstein level geniuses can experience god, 99.99% of humanity and all other living organisms would have no clue as to what these people are talking about.

10) The sure way to destroy your own religion's integrity and create aversion towards it in the minds of people is by indulging in acts of criminal destruction in the name of your religion. Again, you can't destroy the formless god by definition and very difficult to kill the ones in form. Honestly, somebody got to be deluded to think they can save Jesus Christ from getting destroyed. What they imply is they can't tolerate reduction in profit returns for, or other business enterprises.

What they are essentially saying is their god is better than the other one in a neighboring country or a neighborhood because they as the better people are following it. It is as if the gods get grading based on the grading of the people who follow it. Most people like static images, words and idols of god.It gives them some sense of security and knowledge of something they haven't experienced yet. These forms of knowledge do not talk back and challenge them overtly. It may happen in a very subtle manner. It is good to remember a huge part of  most of these gods' lives was all about suffering. May be they experienced this suffering in a different way and responded to the challenges in a radically different way. That is where we need to focus on and not on some prejudiced egotistical banter on who is the larger one, which sadly reveals our child like understanding of the whole thing about their teachings.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jupiter Ascending: A Down To Earth Insterstellar Power Struggle

" It is not what you do. It is who you are."  is a rarely said thing in this world. What we do certainly has many meanings. It could imply the moral nature of your actions, the grandeur in the experience or the professional roles people perform.

Taken in the sense of any action, it sort of posits a kind of privilege to some people regardless of their roles. It could mean that no matter what they do, they have certain privileges. Oops, wait! That sounds like the unspoken truth to me about this world. No matter what people in power do, they do expect to have royal privileges.

The idea that what you are is much more than anything you can ever imagine has been the subject of most of religious philosophy. What you do and what you get to do is contingent on several conditions in the world that can be manipulated to keep you from ever realizing your own nature and potential like it happens for the leading lady Jupiter in the movie.

Jupiter grows up in Chicago thinking that the work she does and the money she gets defines who she is. She thinks of herself as a nothing and hates her life for that. Suddenly things take a multi-dimensional turn and she finds out despite her own perception of herself, she is actually the re-incarnation of the ruler of the universe. A universe with several countless planets inhabited by people with much advanced technology and powers. The movie follows the journey of Jupiter from Chicago to other worlds completely different from the one she is used to and how she comes to terms with her other identity in those worlds.    

Jupiter Ascending

Several premises in the plot reminds me of the great Indian myths. With references to the notion of universal monarch and reincarnation in world's religious ideas, it also has several realms of existence with beings from all these realms visiting earth and doing their own stuff. In this movie, we see aliens with super powers living happily on earth with most people not even noticing them. These aliens seem to live for thousands of years like in those old myths. Here the other worlds are all in the same material plane of existence, where teleportation and interstellar travel are common for people from advanced civilizations.

The context is similar to situations in Mahabharata, where there is constant struggle for rights over property between cousins and siblings. And the story of Krishna/Moses where their powerful royal family members anxious over losing their ruler ship, attempt to kill these monarchs when they haven't even realized who they are.

Beneath its grand canvas of inter-stellar travel and grand worlds, it is a deeply political movie. It raises the familiar questions about the hierarchical power structures in the universe, where the bottom rung is exploited and crushed under the feet of the higher hierarchy. The premise that earth is just an under-developed outpost of the universe and is being used as a mere farm for growing what the powerful and rich from other worlds need for raking in profit and be young and beautiful sounds similar to the situation closer back home. I believe we are used to the situation where huge corporations use people from under-developed nations as experimental specimens for their own profits. It also paints a familiar situation where most people don't have any information about such things happening in the world.

This sets the premise for a romantic tale, where the protagonists romantic escapades happen in the midst of great action sequences mostly in air. With extraordinary visuals and their unique canvas of grandeur, it is a much more down to earth tale from the Wachowskis despite its premise of space travel.


Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Very Honest Conversation With A Very Pretty Gang Of Bartenders

Me: You are very pretty.

Baby 1:  Are you hitting on me?

Me: No, I just declared a truth to the world of four people....

Baby 2: Boohoo....What are you doing?

Me:  Really. You too are very pretty... I've never seen such a happy gang of pretty women...

Baby 1: Really...What about the women from your country?

Me: Some of them have really hot and sexy physical features, but some thing is missing big time... Fear, Jealousy, the competitive instinct to beat you in life takes over all their beauty...Most of them lack any freedom...May be they look happy in other circumstances and not just obvious to my biased eyes...

Baby 2: Wow.. That sounds complex, but true...

Me: I don't know about you women too... But something in your faces tells me there is some joy and some sort of genuine good emotions ...

Baby 3:  Wow, that is a compliment then...

Me: Yeah, You don't get to see a happy bunch of free pretty women having a good time, with out the guys at the next fuming angrily at them or another gang of girls burning in jealousy...

Baby 1:  Why are you over analyzing these poor women from your country?

Me: I too thought so initially..But no there is some truth to what I said just now...By the way, don't go to India...

Baby 2: Why?

Me: To the petty Indian minds, your pretty faces warrant an acid attack...

Baby 3: What? That is a freaky thing...

Me: Yeah, it happens all the time...That is the way it is...

Baby 2: That is scary...

Me: Yeah..Honestly, why do you let people from Third world shit holes of earth in to your beautiful country? It makes me happy to just look at all of you having a good time...Only being ruined by people from those cursed places bringing their dirty battles here and ruining your time...

Baby 3: Why do you talk like a sad, frustrated puppy? ..Did any Woman from your country throw bananas at you?

Me: Huh! Not really...It is just that to my eyes the contrast is so obvious...Can't blames those people either...They have been under the rule of criminals for decades with their own corrupt system..And they also had a great cultural paralysis...Sometimes you just feel sad for the pitiful lot there....How great life could be for them if they come out of their sick system and their sick mental attitudes?

Baby 2: All these assaults and sexual harassment happen here too.... Some women here get too freaky that they will put a bullet in your head right there if you comment badly on their dress. Professional jealousy and jealousy among high school girls or women is common to all the places in the world..

Me:  Agreed. I'm not talking about the weird or the criminal population. I'm not saying it doesn't happen any where. I just felt this difference among the everyday regular folks here...

Baby 1: Do you have a girl friend? Are you interested in dating anyone here? Looking for a permanent residency or what?

Me: Not actually.. I don't feel much for personal relationships now and I'm not desperate for any permanent residency anywhere in the world...

I've been fighting several sick groups for several years in a very stupid way..Most of the times I didn't even remember I was in a fight...I'm in a position of disadvantage now and looking forward to fight them in an effective way...All I want to do is fight really hard and get my freedom to live..

Baby 2: Why don't you call the cops and register a case? You are not a gangster, are you?

Me: The system is corrupt to the core. Cops work for these guys and the lawyers, judges too... Asking them for help is voluntarily getting in to a trap and is a sure to fail strategy...

Baby 3: Sounds like a crappy country and a situation...

Me: Yeah, sick situation for me too.This is the age of criminals and rowdies there... I've no choice, but to fight..These guys I'm talking about have enormous power and resources in the society..They don't back down and won't stop until one of us is dead. They are the powerful ones now and they seem to be having a gala time...I want to fight at any risk to my life... I can't imagine living such a sick human life like a slave to some criminal gang....

Baby 4: I thought you are in grad school..Sounds nearly impossible for me.. I just feel sad for you and your situation now...

Baby 2: I'm so scared..Why did you tell us such personal stuff? Will we be in danger?

Me: That is the strange thing now..Many people know this is happening in my life..They want me to suck up to those powerful people and so won't talk about this to me...I can't imagine in my dream that I am even capable of doing such a thing... It is my nature so to speak and have to live and die according to that... So no worries about your safety...

Baby 3: Wait a second...Are you mad to tell us you are under attack by some criminals and you seem to be walking around fine having a chat and eating chocolate cake? Are you really under attack or imagining all this stuff.. I hope you don't mind me suggesting to you something...You know I'm actually a Psych major working part time here to fund my Masters..I've read and met a lot of anxious and paranoiac people .You need to visit a shrink and find some help...

Me: I'm actually seeing one you know.,..He seems to be a sold out guy under pressure from higher authorities...

Baby 2: Wow that itself sounds paranoiac to me...You know what you have had too many drinks today..

Me: I just had the usual hard cider that counts up to my weekly count of 1-3 hard ciders... That is what babies in primary school drink when they want to get drunk...

Baby 1: That is true..I don't know what to say.. Just take care.. and let us know if you need any help...

Baby 2: Yeah.. that is so sad.. take care...

Baby 3: Yeah, See u around. Take my advice and see a shrink.. Everything is going to be fine....

Me: Thanks for chatting with me.... I really appreciate that... See you around...And thanks for your advice...

Disclaimer: This conservation could have happened, but might not have happened. Anyways, calling those pretty women 'babies' was not meant to dehumanize those respectful ladies into babies, and not to comment on their intellectual growth or treat them as dolls... It is just a fond way of calling these pretty women...