Sunday, October 12, 2014

Some Questions On Consciousness

  • Is consciousness different from mind? Mind here is defined as thoughts (visual,auditory and other thoughts) and consciousness is the entity that is aware. One way to approach this problem would be to look at the phenomenon of relativity in the biological perception of time. If mind becomes aware of of itself, then it is reasonable to expect it needs to be instantaneous. If the entity that is becoming aware is something else than the mind, it is possible to have such a phenomena. 

  • If consciousness is distinct from mind, does it have just one aspect or many? is there one entity that can become aware of a range of phenomena or do we need a whole spectrum of consciousness to become different ranges of phenomena? One system of thought ,Tantra approaches this question with a spectrum of consciousness. There is earth element in consciousness that becomes aware of coarse level phenomena, water element that becomes aware of fluid level, and so on up to the mind level, subtle mind and clear light mind itself. 

      More questions to ponder on consciousness....

  • Do all beings have the whole spectrum and become aware of the whole range of phenomena..Do rocks have the whole spectrum? Or do they just lack the information transduction and integration machinery? 

  • What are the different aspects of consciousness? Do we have similar aspects to what we see in living beings? At a material level, there is the information component in nucleic acids, energy component that comes as part of the cell to cite a few...Do we have similar aspects in consciousness? 

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