Monday, October 6, 2014

A Short Note On Confusing Statements Related To Science

Some often repeated statements in science circles and general public may be confusing if we take those statements at its face value. So decided to come up with a little note on my list.

"There is deep science behind this phenomena."

A better way to say that would be "There is truth to this phenomena for which we have a scientific theory to explain." It even fits with in a frame work. One of the reasons behind after a scientific framework becomes well established in explaining several phenomena, the framework takes precedence over phenomena. If some phenomena doesn't fit in to the framework, it may even be rejected.

"There is a natural explanation to this phenomena."

If everything is part of nature, all phenomena will be natural phenomena. Science with its current methods may be able to explain it or may not be able explain at this point of time. How we explain phenomena in nature depends i guess.

Please feel free to add more to this list...

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