Saturday, October 18, 2014

Rants For Week 2 Of October,2014

My rants organized just for you because you are so special. I learnt all of us are special from several ads I grew up watching and now I know that for sure....

  • It is very difficult for new groups to come to power due to several reasons...One is the huge network of well established parties who have won the loyalties of several important people in the government and general public and have consolidated their power over several years. That too in big countries with millions of people, the best way in order to bring change is through people demanding a change in the value systems of party people than vice versa...Largely groups have much smaller numbers than people...The most disruptive would be to take them out through other means... There is also this problem of new groups being infiltrated with affiliates of old groups to subvert new ones from the inside...

  • In addition, media works by the power of association. You basically associate a word good or bad and repeat several thousand times over an hour to capture the attention...People at the max have 1 hour every day to listen to all kinds of news and keep track of things...If you can make that 1 hour all about these associations, that's what is going to last in their minds until someone changes that or their own actions change it...
  • Do we need to place electrodes in the brain for thought control/directing your thoughts to think about something? Nope, there are simpler alternatives...When we are mostly dealing with sensory information, it is possible to bombard any person with auditory and visual stimuli in a clever way to keep redirecting your thoughts to whatever anyone like.....What if you are not able to turn off the stimuli? It is possible to give the stimuli in a very restrained and directed manner that elects response...It is so easy to keep someone distracted. ..This is sort of changing the topic during our conversations with advanced technology...It is possible to change the topic so many times some provoking, some sweet, some reminding you of something pleasant and all... 

  • It is true that we don't have to read complicated philosophy to know whatever we see in media is not true and whatever we see in our dreams are also not true (Yeh bhi sach nahi and woh bi sach nahi) So what is real? Is it just a matter of convention? Following this arbitrary status of our definition of reality, there are some "good" applications.One way of treating dictators like Hitler in the future would be to create appearances in his mind that he is actually growing his empire and invading territories, while he is actually sitting in his prison cell. That way he will be happy and it will be harmless to the world. It requires a combination people skilled in creating appearances of events, advanced mind tech and computers. Media people and some public personalities seem to fulfill the human requirement. As always there seem to be some problems in the real world, most of the times those exceedingly willful dictators possess these tech and have access to such people to put imprison and create appearances of things and events happening...

  • Nope,I'm not shooting the messenger, they are the ones who seem to be shooting anyone, anywhere and for anything...Obviously, I'm not saying everyone in the media is only lying and spreading rumors...Just like we assess the truthfulness of any individual and believe in any person's words, it becomes important to assess the truthfulness of any media report...Yeah..The situation is more complicated with meta rumors and fabrications about truthfulness itself...Obviously the cleverness of a lie makes it much more difficult with bits of truth interspersed with lies making it much more wonder people turn cynical about the whole enterprise and feel isolated and apathetic. .
  • The thing about power in society is that people holding it have always had the ability to crush other's lives and dreams with the wink of their eyes or with just a phone call...Why they would want to do that is another question? With the growth of legal and regulatory structures, people tried to establish some tools to deal with abuses of power and create situations where they don't have to be afraid...

  • I'm not sure If I can blame members of the British Empire for treating poor Indians like slaves in pre-independence colonial India...I can imagine them commenting to themselves after looking at those Indians: "Look at those arrogant Indians with their withering, hungry bodies and desperate life style, completely deluded to think they can stand against the most powerful empire on earth. Don't know what makes them follow an equally famished, half-naked man walking around with a stick who claims he can lead these half-dead bodies to freedom". They did stand against the most powerful empire and won their freedom. The problem is this sort of mentality is not specific to the British. Now I see Indians and others with power and money, making similar comments about unfortunate withering souls and treating them as slaves.... Will history repeat itself? Will someone rise to crush the deluded, deceptive empire some people are building for themselves...Only time can answer such questions...

  • Before you condemn North Korea for its lack of openness to the outside world, it is important to ask ourselves whether the spirit of North Korea lives in towns and cities with in the so called free countries. One defining feature of North Korea is that it is sort of a black box to the outside world from which not much information comes out or reaches the people from outside. I believe there are several places that are sort of colored boxes. Some places are dark grey, pink, red, blue, saffron, brown, black and many other colors. When people live in monochromatic boxes, it is at least important for them to realize they may have only partial information filtered through one or a combination of these colors...


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