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2014 - A Journey Back To George Orwell's 1984

The things you are going to read may not shock you at all. At least nothing shocks me anymore. I feel the capacity for expressing surprise and shock is diminishing in me with every passing day. But, I feel the strong need to revisit George Orwell's classic 1984 and see my present reality through the eyes of those fabulous characters. I was particularly fascinated by two conversations, one between Winston and Julia and the other conversation between Winston and O'Brien. I've taken the liberty of revising some of the original conversation in the movie with some new stuff. Part 1:  Winston and Julia first talk to each other secretly and agree to meet away from the Omnipresent eyes of the state. The state 'Ingsoc' has enforced strict rules of celibacy for men and women and civil marriages are prohibited to prevent development of emotional attachments to any person. The next generation is brought forth only through an impersonal artificial insemination system....

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