An Epiphany

I believe, based on brief moments of direct experience, that in the deep stillness of mind, a new insight, a new perspective and a new love for the world is born... It is this moment of freedom I was and am still seeking.... It is available to me right here and now under grossly imperfect circumstances...It is the reality of my time that has led to this frustrating moment...

Everything is in a grid lock...People, societies, socio-political systems, inter-personal relationships and the different value systems - all these entities and processes with different degrees of influence on the whole are all in a grid-lock. The reason being their different ambitions, values and a strong tendency to force the other to move in their own direction... This has stalled several things and has made movement difficult...But the moving force of desire and grand ambition is still there waiting grudgingly to erupt in to action and flow in each of these entities.....

Space, my friend, allows movement with out blocking the flow of others eros...Rights as an ideal and a social property guarantees this... But such a luxurious property of great value like Rights is almost non-existent for many in a world of desperation, greed and inequality of wealth and power...Grand ambition and a strong sense of group identity have placed various groups fighting with each other...Strong sense of social identity means clinging on to conception of who we are, one's own cherished ideals,perspectives, ways of living with great force that can at times,when it attains great strength in numbers, get the whole world in a grid lock. This strains the movement of people's ambitions and desires which are expressions of eros itself...

People have faced such times of great ferment at several points in history...I can only hope no one develops a hatred for any specific group which when combined with ambition and a strong sense of social identity led to the gross disasters of world wide conflicts of the past...Enmeshed in this complicated social reality is my great desire and ambition for transcendence and freedom...It is partly the answer to my problem and partly the reason for my predicament....Some kind of conflict awaiting resolution....


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