Revelations To The Lord of Guinea Pigs From People (The Lords of the World) In 2014

I want to share some revelations that were forced on my attention in 2014.

1) Truth seems to be an esoteric idea that is not relevant to many lives. People build world upon world, event upon event and engage in action upon action based on lies. For most people, what ever people see on TV is the truth, even if it is a fiction movie in some countries.

2) It is the enduring love-hate romantic relation between P-party (Political Party) members and the G-gang (Gangster Gang) members that was revealed to me in more than required details which is going to last in my memory for a long time. They are like secret lovers who fight to the outside world because they have to, but actually have a passionate relationship overflowing with respect for each other. In fact, several G-gang members are aspiring P-party members. If P-party members focus on Science, G-gang members do the same and if the P-party are fond of arts, the G-gang take over the Arts domain too. But they seem to be ignorant of the fact such love seldom goes unnoticed. It is all over them in word and deed.

3) Reinventing our decaying, dysfunctional institutions is one of the challenges of our times.The institutions people built for their protection, well being and advancement have turned into oppressors just like machines turning humans in to slaves in the science fiction of recent decades. This is believed to have happened mostly due to the nature of values people hold and nature of dispositions in people who control these institutions.

4) The power of perceptions : The popular perception about America is that when American citizens are in trouble in any part of the world, men and women wearing sexy black dress will drop down from choppers and rescue these suffering Americans no matter what. Once you step inside the country, the situation remains the same as other countries in the world, with nothing falling from choppers top save your day even if you are starving to death.

Another popularly held perception among a huge fraction of Indians is that every European and American is Einstein and Edison incarnate. So when some one from India talks anything resembling science, they are quick to point out that they are acting like those Britishers. Similar to the widely held perception that every Chinese guy is Bruce lee incarnate.

5) The problem of fractions: The problem with countries like China and India is that huge numbers is really huge and even a small integer fraction is really huge with millions and millions of humans encompassed in that small number. Even if 25-30% of people do well and the rest suffer, the countries get a pass grade based on economy and development.

6) Power really really corrupts most people and changes them in to something you wouldn't want them inside your sweet home.

7) People are desperate, only they know for what.

8) Veterans in receiving and tolerating post-modern methods of torture are always required to give other people hope.

9) When animals in the neighborhood (wherever I go) seem to think of me as some kind of Lord of the world, my social position is still that of Lord of the Guinea Pigs...It is the painful reality I've to face everyday...

10) There is this discomforting feeling that all of this may continue into 2015. I'll try to remain hopeful that this sick situation in my world will end and a new healthier state will begin.


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