Random Notes on Society

1) When politics,especially dirty politics, pervades every aspect of human activity, the whole system falls into a state of torpor and paranoia that you can't see genuine growth there. You see that happening in education, justice systems, media and religion to the most extent. Sincerity and truthfulness in human relationships which is the only thing that renders human relationships more meaningful than contractual relationships takes a strong beating in those places. People live as cynical, hypocritical and paranoiac people ready to attack each other at any opportunity.  

2) It is important to free these domains from overt political influence and agendas, even if it is not possible to avoid subtle and minimal influences. 

2 a) The difference between slavery and service is choice. When you choose to serve others you are doing service and when you are forced to serve others you become a slave. Are you even free enough to choose that? There is no great potential in people with out having a mind of their own. You can have your own mind and choose to submit to a greater self and realize this great potential or you can lose your mind and lose that potential. 

                   [ Image adapted from www.theemotionmachine.com/] 

3) It is true that patience is not for the crime itself. You need to stop the crime and be patient with criminals. To be patient when a crime is happening, especially when you have the power, opportunity and authority to stop it itself a crime and stupidity. It is criminals who need compassion and tolerance, not their crimes. What we need is a liberal justice system, not a lax one. But what we have got is a lax one and not a liberal one. 

4) When most media outlets are owned by political parties and their leaders (some of them are even named after their leaders)..it is unreasonable to expect any impartial, unbiased truth in their reports, which is required for even looking at events and issues in a realistic and sincere manner..it is going to be their own propaganda i guess...Even if there are independent media outlets, it is possible they too are influenced to some extent...The way it works by focusing on every trivial detail of certain events and lives is only distracting and may even be a tactic to divert the attention of people from important issues and it is also the case that the more nonsense they talk, the more money they get...People have much less time to listen and learn about the events through these media outlets...So all they need to do is manage 5 minutes of reporting of an event..Everyone is left clueless and people can escape justice in a system where justice depends on public attention...

5) People argue whats wrong with the political doyens owning media outlets. It is in one way difficult to avoid their influence given their ambition for power. May be if they don't have their own outlets, they may resort to other illegal modes of influencing available media outlets. So in one way it is better they have their own ones. It is just that it almost borders on stupidity to take their accounts as truth especially in cases involving their own party. 

6) There is constant jig-saw puzzle going on with these media revealing some information and hiding information. It is certainly a time consuming process to ascertain the truth. However, it is not so difficult to see the obvious bull shit in their reports. At least it is important to pay attention to the obvious lies. 

7) I've often heard people describe India as the spiritual capital of the world...That is just as much a lie as anything else here.. It is just like any other place with money. Ego and power driven politics....Out of several components in religion, there is this religious identity component for which people are willing to die if manipulated by demagogues as it is part of the ego structure. ..There is this truth and philosophy component in religion which most people don't know or don't bother. Naturally most people are not willing to fight for it as it involves the hard work... it takes a lot of courage, truthfulness and several other virtues to fight for it...I think it is the very rare fraction I guess...what triumphs is the identity based ego response...which pretty much loses the whole point of it all...Spirituality is about truth, transcendence and inclusiveness... Just using these names for political agenda is just perverse....

8) When someone criticizes something about the state of the world they experience, there is always some one defensive about their country or world.. They immediately ask what you have done...Well it is annoying to some extent... All I need to do is do my part properly, do the duties of a citizen in the social role I'm in...If there is some wrong happening in front of my eyes, report it or stop it..Then I also have to earn my bread and live...Asking them to save a country is akin to this situation... A relative of a patient or the patient raises concern to the physician, who is treating, about the way he does his job. He is genuinely concerned about the way the physician is working...So he asks the physician, Hello Doc.. I'm not sure what you are doing is good as I'm feeling a lot of pain, is there any way to do it better..It doesn't make sense for the physician to hand over the scalpel to the patient and shout "why don't do you do it yourself " and make a drama. I'm sorry that is what you are paid for. Since most people are involved in politics, they naturally think everyone can do everything which is lame. It is a serious confusion of roles....

9) This is not my country nor my world
..I don't own it... I'm just a citizen in it.. I'm not sure if it makes sense for a cell in a body to call the body it's own..This is just one aspect...Even though at a deeper level I'm everything...

10) You don't call a nation sick just because of some criminals. Dealing with crime is part of our living. It is a manifestation of some human nature in some people. But when governments do things like criminals and justice fails big time, the whole place is sick and will only rot. Nations around the world suffer from Justice and Security Deficiency Syndrome (JSDS). It's akin to AIDS. When the immune system starts working for viruses, the body becomes sick and dies. Justice and Security systems comprise the immune system of a society. When both start working for criminals and criminal politicians any nation will only rot and will eventually perish... 

11) Strange to see the extra spicy culture blaming partying as a western influence...Never knew all Indians were ascetic through out the history of this place..I thought this people had somras parties with apsaras (may be my history knowledge is questionable)..This apparently is not a campaign against addiction or even illegal drug and things like that...Defining partying,with may be western music, as a western influence only shows the ignorance of this place's history or may be jealousy at a rival's thriving pub business...Indian identity definition by local politicians has always been an obnoxious thing i guess....I'm sorry I've to defend those hard working "Westerners" spending their lives in those computer farms growing more apps all the time...

12) At the end of a life of egotistical nonsense, a moment of silence and of truth informs that you have lived a life worthy of a pig. It is just too much to take..it is just crushing...so no moment of silence please... Life is not inherently meaningful...it is created in constructive actions.. In neutral and supportive actions we let others create meaning...There is no meaning in creating confusion and destructive actions unless the destruction roots out rotten old structures..The point is unless we kill the pig in our minds, democracy is government for the pigs, of the pigs and by the pigs....

13) Some of my friends have expressed their dislike towards my negative comments about the country and the world at large... I'm just trying to be realistic i guess. Take the example of India. It is very much into domination hierarchy..which has already led to widespread slavery and exploitation. The politicians are into egocentric politics (in tamil it is called Kaiyavecchan politics) which only worsens the development efforts and living itself.. In a billion strong country with more than half a billion marginalized population, its journey into actualization hierarchy seems a remote possibility...India's 25-30% is equal to the population of most developed countries. Even if they do really well (which they certainly do), they may appear to be doing better than many developed countries, while the remaining 70% don't get much in terms of opportunities. Good luck to all these publicized efforts..Until people don't come out of their false pride and slavery mentality, it is going to be mostly futile...

14) In some places like Tamil Nadu,India, some political leaders control movie production houses and other media outlets. Thankfully, only some of the movies have political propaganda and the rest of it is mostly for fun. But the problem lies in 
people's lack of discrimination between cinematic reality and conventional reality. Even though such a phenomenon is observed across many cultures in the world, it is just more pronounced here which reflects in politics to a greater extent. It is a strange culture where movies, politics and everyday life is so enmeshed that some people fail to discriminate all three in their minds. May be it has to do with great importance given to Arts in that culture which later transformed into sometimes obsessive fascination with movies or may be due to some other reason. The problem doesn't lie there. It lies in the fact that in a predominantly criminal economy, some movies get funded by criminal organizations and the tremendous profit goes into feeding the growth of that criminal empire which is used for creating oppressive structures. It is a clever strategy to take people's money and use it for their own oppression and exploitation. Sadly, most people are not aware of it as they don't have clear information about the actual nature of organizations funding the movies. 

15) Political leaders seem to forget the reason they were elected in the first place. Even though it happens to most people in many jobs, it is a very responsible position akin to a facilitating healer. They have many people and mechanisms to remind themselves about that. But still they forget they are meant to protect the rights and interests of people and start exploiting and oppressing them. It is such a sad thing that people vote for the deprivement of their own rights. 

16) Some political leaders in India (i believe it happens in many other places too) have this great ability to create such an aversion towards their own culture by forcing their cultural prejudices and beliefs down the throats of people. The first reaction from people like me is of course to vomit every such thing and stay away from it. Sadly, most of the times if you are not discriminating, that aversion includes many beautiful things in that culture. 

17) It is high time people realize that grand lies and fabrications do not sustain the human society nor this planet earth. Truth is essential to the survival of humanity over even hundreds of years even with in a culture. And there is a natural attraction towards truth among many people for that, moral and aesthetic reasons. The pursuit of true, good and the beautiful seems to be the noble pursuit across many cultures. It is only civilizations and local pockets of people and groups that are in the dark ages mostly stray away from it. Dark ages don't happen overnight. It starts with small pockets and groups of people who celebrate ignorance in many ways and slowly spreads to other places. It subtly influences many others and forces them to adopt their values or perish. Likewise there are naturally seeds for a golden age, which starts in a similar way. There are always a substantial fraction of people who hold on to their truths and way of life despite the predominance of the other force. 


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